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Mjúkir Bamburstar

Mjúkir bambus tannburstar 100% vegan og niðurbrjótanlegir Hár eru bylgjulaga og unnin úr laxerolíu Skaftið er hringlaga úr lífrænum bambus Góð burstun án þess að meiða viðkvæmt tannhold FDA samþykkir og með ISO 14001 & 9001 vottanir Mikilvægt að láta tannburstann ekki liggja lengi í bleyti. 


Tunguskafan er afar mikilvæg þegar kemur að almennri munnhirðu.

+ Improves oral hygiene: a research demonstrated that using a tongue scraper reduce the overall incidence of bad bacterias (Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli) in the mouth. These bacteria are known to cause dental decay.

+ Reduce bad breath: researchers found that scraping was more effective than brushing at removing odor-causing bacteria.

+ Heightens sense of taste: using a tongue scraper twice daily helps to improve your sense of taste.

+ Improve the appearance of your tongue: by removing the excess debris that cause your tongue to take on a white, coated appearance.


Scrape first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink, to remove the bacteria that has accumulated on your tongue overnight.